ben ten beacuse thats a boys cartoon, she wants to play with Barbie
and not with the ball, she wants to put on makeup and talk about how
to make her hair grow longer! sheesh and she's just four meaning this
is just the beggining to the long long long road to dress ups and parties
and barbies and what nots!
Anyways, at the begining of winter and summer, my father-in-law, gets
this whole load of low price whole sale sort of cloths for his grandkids,
and everyone takes whatever fits them.
He bought all of his grand kids jackets, so Eshal got a black and red jacket
with ben ten sticker at the left side of it. Now Eshal wont wear it becuae
of the sticker so I went ahead and did some redesigning.
First off, I took the ben ten sticker with lots of ironing on it and peeling it
off, after that I got some red and black velevet ribbons and glued them,
made some yarn flowers, there are loads of tutorials on them, stitched
them to the front of the jacket to cover up the sticker residue, added
buttons because I love buttons and for me, no project is complete
without them :)
And tada! my girls was so happy to see this and that made me have a
feling thats something like having a ballon of happiness indside me :)